The History of a Business Idea

The cornerstore for all MSO Enterprises was laid in place in New York in 1976 by its founder Marcel Schmid. As a successful artist in Europe and the United States, Marcel Schmid developed a business formula to independently finance his vision of the arts.

The Centerpiece of all his enterprises was the Broadway theather "The Priory". Very quickly his theather became known as the home of new ways to go in the performing arts and as a remarkable source of talent. The wide range of premiere show cases covered theatrical pieces, musicals, concerts and cabarets as well as TV shows for major stations.

The Philosophy

Aware that art without financial independence is like an actor without a stage, Marcel Schmid surrounded himself with successful and reputable business people in the MSO Interlink Organization, to have a proper financial backup. Today, more than 14 highly qualified internationally trained managers are part of the MSO staff. Specialists not only from business areas such as Marketing, Sales Promotion, Media, Merchandising, Food & Beverage, Import/Export, but experts, such as Lawyers and Administrators have joined the MSO efforts to realize in the performing arts on a highly professional level.

The Company

Under the Swiss based umbrella of the mother company MSO Interlink cooperative, several for-profit firms such as MSO Multiplex GmbH Brig, MSO International Group Inc. New York and MSO Interflex Inc. have been integrated into the group. More than ten other small businesses are also part of the diverse MSO family. The primary goals of MSO are:

  • To ensure subsistence of the cooperative members.
  • To train and promote young talents.
  • To found and develop new projects in all branches of the performing arts.

La Historia de una idea de negocio

En 1976, en Nueva York, Marcel Schmid Coloco la piedra angular para todas las empresas MSO. Luego de su exito como artista en Europa y en Los Estados nidos, Marcel Schmid desarrollo una formula de negocio para financiar independientemente su vision de las artes.

El centro de todas sus empresas era un pequeno teatro, "The Priory" en Broadway. Rapidamente su teatro se dio a conocer como la casa de las nuevas formas para entrar en las artes escenicas, y como una fuente destacada de talento. La amplia gama de espectaculos desde obras teatrales, musicales, conciertos y espectaculos de variedad, asi como shows en television para los principales canales.

La Filosofia

Marcel Schmid, conciente de que el arte sin independencia financiera es como un actor sin escenario, aglutino a su alrededor en la organizacion de interenlace MSO, personas de negocio exitosas y con reputacion, a fin de asegurarse un adeuado apoyo financiero. Hoy, mas de 14 gerentes con formacion internacional y altamante calificados, son parte del equipo de MSO. Especialistas no solo de las areas comerciales como Marketing, Promocion de ventas, Medios de difusion, Comercializacion de mercancias, Alimentos y bebidas, Importacion/Exportacion, sino tambien expertos como Abogados y Administradores, han aunado sus esfuerzos para contribuir a las artes escenicas a un nivel altamente profesional.

La Compania

Bajo la sombrilla de la compania madre, la MSO Interlink Cooperative, con base en Suiza, varias firmas lucrativas se han inegrado, como por ejemplo la MSO Multiplex GmbH, Brig, MSO International Group Inc. de Nueva York y la MSO Interflex Inc. de Delaware, USA. Forman tambien parte de la familia MSO, mas de octros diez pequenos negocios. Las principales metas de MSO son:

  • Asegurar la subsistencia de los miembros de la cooperativa.
  • Capacitar y prover el talento joven.
  • Cimentar y desarrollar nuevos proyectos en todas las ramas de las artes escenicas.
© MSO - Marcel Schmid